Georgina advises clients in relation to all areas of family law including financial arrangements on divorce, private children law matters and pre nuptial agreements.

She strives to achieve the best outcome possible for her clients whether that is through the court process or alternative forms of dispute resolution.  

Georgina has specialised in family law since qualifying in 2016. Her cases often have an international focus and she has experience of dealing with complex asset structures and serious non-disclosure.  Georgina has a particular interest in children matters and was recently involved in the reported case of AA v BB. 

Georgina is a member of Resolution and has a pragmatic and empathetic approach, working tirelessly to protect her clients’ interests. 

A bit more about Georgina

  • 1999 Trained Ambrose Appelbe, qualified

    2000 Assistant, Levison Meltzer Pigott

    2007 Partner, Levison Meltzer Pigott

    2021 Founding Partner, Ribet Myles

  • AA v BB [2021] EWHC 1822 (Fam)

    Bailey v Bailey [2021] EWFC B99