Children Disputes
Your children are vulnerable to the impact of divorce and separation and sadly are often caught in the middle of their parents’ disputes. Our advice is sensitive, pragmatic and sensible, enabling you to achieve child-focused, practical and workable solutions.
We advise on all separation and/or divorce issues involving your children, including applications for Parental Responsibility Orders, Specific Issue Orders, Prohibited Steps Orders and Child Arrangement Orders. We also bring and defend applications for permission to take your children to live permanently in another country or relocate within England and Wales.
Relationship breakdown can have a devastating impact on the wider family - we also act for grandparents wishing to spend time with their grandchildren.
Our experience includes advising on:
· Children’s main home and living arrangements
· Time spent with each parent
· Issues surrounding religious upbringing
· Proposed medical treatment
· Issues in relation to education
We aim to resolve these issues through negotiation. If impossible, we recommend alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation and arbitration. Or it may be necessary to take Court proceedings, including making emergency applications to protect your children.