Financial disputes on Separation & Divorce
Securing your financial future is a major concern following a relationship breakdown. We understand you need financial security to face the future.
The financial aspects of divorce are dealt with separately to the divorce process. Using our decades of specialist experience, we advise you on what is fair, reasonable and realistically achievable, so you have clarity and peace of mind.
We’ll help you make informed and carefully considered choices, and together craft a solution designed to fit your specific circumstances.
Reaching a Settlement
Court proceedings can increase conflict and acrimony. We aim to facilitate an agreement or settlement and use alternative dispute resolution processes, if they give you a better chance of reaching a fair outcome.
If you have children, it is particularly important that you maintain a good working relationship with your spouse. Most of our cases are resolved by negotiation, out of court and without the need for a Court to impose an outcome on the parties.
We advise on asset and income division on divorce and work closely with you to pinpoint accurate asset valuations. With a thorough understanding of your needs, we then use all available Court processes to achieve the best result for you. And whether your case goes all the way to a final hearing, or is settled by negotiation, we work closely together to ensure that the court recognises your own contribution.
We represent clients within settlement discussions and negotiations both inside and outside the Court process. This includes advising couples on all forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution procedures and throughout the Court process.
Complex Litigation and Hidden Assets
We’re renowned for our experience in complex family law litigation and have significant expertise in dealing with cases involving complex offshore corporate and trust entities, high value family or business assets, the tax consequences of divorce, or separation and pension issues. This may involve obtaining freezing injunctions, attacking (or defending) trust and corporate structures and tracing hidden assets.
You may be worried that your spouse will not disclose all assets or will try to undervalue or dissipate them - minimising wealth by transferring assets to family, friends, or trusts to reduce financial claims. We can apply to the Court to reverse transactions and obtain freezing and disclosure orders, ensuring your spouse makes a truthful and honest presentation of their financial circumstances.
Our expertise includes dealing with cases involving non-disclosure, and we’ll help you ensure that realistic asset valuations, particularly private company shareholdings, are placed before the Court, as well as providing clarity on liquidity issues, to protect your business.
International Disputes
Our outstanding track record includes international asset-tracing and cases involving offshore and foreign elements, international and jurisdictional disputes, the enforceability of foreign orders and the enforcement of English court orders abroad.
We also act for couples who have sought to increase their financial provision following an overseas divorce where settlement was insufficient.