Pre & Post-Nuptial Agreements
While pre and post-nuptial agreements are not automatically binding, they are increasingly common if you want to safeguard your assets and achieve financial certainty in the event of possible relationship breakdown or divorce.
No longer the preserve of the rich and famous, pre and post-nuptial agreements can carry decisive weight in court, which may hold a couple to these agreements – subject to certain conditions.
We have significant experience negotiating and drafting complicated pre and post-nuptial agreements and marriage contracts to protect individual or family assets and finances.
We provide specialist advice on these sensitive issues to fit your individual situation and meet your objectives, including in-depth preparation of pre and post-nuptial agreements, to ensure that each agreement is fair.
We have worked with many clients with assets in multiple jurisdictions, who divide their time between different countries. For these cases, you should take legal advice in other jurisdictions. At Ribet Myles, we provide you with access to our worldwide network of family law experts and we will support you all the way.